Saturday, June 14, 2008

Porsche: What Fast Looks Like

Today we joined in on the fun at the Richmond Porsche Meet (RPM), and had a chance to enjoy both a great lineup of beautiful cars and fun people. Oscar III got to try out the Boxter, which he seemed to enjoy (how can you not?).

I am an odd fan of the Porsche: unable to drive them, but madly in love with the drive nevertheless! The cars are a strange mix of power, engineering and even a touch of practicality. What other car makes your heart beat very fast, but
is made to drive every day? Leave it to the Germans to make this unlikely combination work so well. Oscar has even gotten 36MPG driving it on the highway... for a sporty convertible, that is amazing to me.

I am always attracted to the older models. There are so many Porsches with decades on the roads still out there to enjoy; I think it is because of how well their loving owners treat them (even though they also seem to "open them up" whenever they get the chance).
This little beauty stole my heart today:

Doesn't it look like a good time waiting to happen? It is older than me by a few years, but like all classic beauties, she has aged with grace.

Ah, but then there are also the ones that just scream power; A deep guttural growl that makes you want to find a stretch of quiet country road to see what you are really made of...
Team Synergy & Euroclassics brought out a few of the nastier beasts to round out the feast of plenty that this concourse had to offer.

Along with the driving joy the Porsches give their appreciative owners, they also allow them to express their creative sides with an seemingly endless selection of styles, colors and add-ons. This was immediately evident in the glorious lineups on the shady lawn of our wonderful hosts. Sigh... how can you possibly choose a favorite from amongst these? I imagine the judges had a tough time deciding today!
I think I will take one of each...

The setting was equally wonderful. Off of Richmond's River Road, set right along the James River the cars had a perfect backdrop. Plenty of shade protected vehicles and owners alike, and their was lots of room on the lawn to step back and enjoy the cars on this hot lazy Saturday.

After we had enjoyed all of the sights to see, we jumped back into our cars and went around the corner to Mosaic for another sort of feast... All in all, a great day!

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