Thursday, June 5, 2008

The Secret Garden

Claris and I have been enjoying hiking in the woods around Dog days, and we have found so many interesting things! The property is becoming more and more interesting as the spring season progresses and we are trying to not miss anything that comes up!

The Secret Garden we found is at the bottom of our hill next to the drive. There are bearded Iris coming from the wetter part of the over-grown garden, and lillies of the valley and pachysandra cover the ground all around. Arches, fountains and gates are covered with overgrown vines and plants.
I am not sure what we are going to do with this space, but it is fun to play in even overgrown as it is...

There is a small stream running to one side and Claris enjoys getting muddy in it while I poke around and check out the plants coming up.

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